Haland Stable Past Polls

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What is your experience with horses?

Horse Owner     12.7%

Trail Riding        30.9%

Showing            14.5%

Lessons            16.4%

Pleasure Riding  25.5%

How do you prefer to ride?

Total votes: 146

Bareback     11.6%

Dressage     12.3%

Hunt Seat    20.5%

Saddle Seat 13.7%

Western      41.8%

What is your favorite horse breed?

Total votes: 164

Thoroughbred                 20.1%

American Quarter Horse  28.7%

Arabian                          21.3%

American Paint Horse     11.6%

Other                             18.3%

Who or what inspired you to start riding horses?

Total votes: 90

I saw other people riding & I wanted to try it    23.3%

I was inspired by books or movies on horses  13.3%

Nothing, I was born to ride                             47.8%

A family member                                          10%

A friend                                                        5.6%

How often do you take a riding lesson?

Total votes: 164

Once per week                 29.5%

More than once per week  20.5%

A few times per month      0.1%

Once in a while                19.9%

Never                              29.5%